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5 Cheap & Easy Renovation Ideas to Attract Quality Tenants

by Claire Wilson on Thu 09 Nov 2017
Don’t despair in an overcrowded rental market, use these quick tips, take good marketing photos and list at a fair rent and you will find quality tenants keen to rent your property.

5 Cheap & Easy Renovation Ideas to Attract Quality Tenants

Don’t despair in an overcrowded rental market, use these quick tips, take good marketing photos and list at a fair rent and you will find quality tenants keen to rent your property.

Light Fittings
Easily create a modern feel by changing old light fittings, add shades and ensure all fittings work

  • Use white plastic shades for ease of cleaning and cheap to replace or try larger feature shades to give the property some funk.
  • Higher wattage bulbs brighten rooms on dull days.

Get rid of any old, dusty or mildew covered drapes. Nets are one of my bugbears; I’m not a fan to be honest! However there is a need in some rental properties, especially street facing rooms.

  • Using the same patterned/coloured drape throughout gives a sense of flow and consistency.
  • Replace old curtain tracks that are bent and worn.
  • Wash drapes to freshen them as needed and have your venetian blinds cleaned.

Colour scheme
Tenants need to visualise their belongings in the house – a neutral colour scheme will ensure everything goes.

  • Use a washable paint, I opt for Half Tea on walls and ¼ Spanish White on ceilings, doors, windows and trims. This way I always know what colour I need for touch-ups and more than often have a half open paint tin ready to use!
  • Avoid using grey based colours as this will make your property dark and often walls look dirty.
  • Off white may be a great colour for your home but for your rental it will show the marks easily.

Mould is a constant issue in a rental property bathroom if the correct paint and ventilation are not used.

  • I still love oil based enamel paint for bathroom ceilings; it is shiny but so easy to keep clean! Perhaps opt for a low sheen acrylic with mould inhibitor for modern homes.
  • Give the bathroom a good clean and use bleach to clean mouldy grout and replace mouldy sealant.
  • Install an extractor fan wired to come on with the light to ensure it is used every time.
  • Replace shower curtains and old toilet seats if needed.

Everyone loves a nice smell - get instant “like appeal” with your prospective tenants by making your property smell nice. Buy some inexpensive smellies from the supermarket to help rid of old cooking smells, pets and damp.


Claire Wilson

Meet Claire, the dynamic investor who's now the ninja of behind-the-scenes action. Claire managed the business for nine years before she slipped into stealth mode. Yet, we bring her out for newbies, sprinkling inspiration and keeping our office plants hydrated as the chief waterer.